variable "realm" { type = string } variable "vault_mount" { type = string } variable "client_id" { type = string description = "the keycloak client ID. Ideally this matches the Kubernetes namespace the resource is deployed to." } variable "name" { type = string default = null nullable = true description = "An (optional) display name shown to the user in certain dark corners of Keycloak. client_id is used by default." } variable "namespace" { type = string default = null nullable = true description = "Kubernetes namespace that will use this client, used for creating vault path. client_id is used by default." } variable "root_url" { type = string default = null nullable = true description = "The root URL of the app. is used by default" } variable "valid_redirect_uris" { type = list(string) default = [] description = "URIs the client will ask keycloak to send the user back to after auth. /* is used by default." } variable "use_refresh_tokens" { type = bool default = false } variable "service_accounts_enabled" { type = bool default = false }