package actions import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) type oidcRoutes struct { ca *rsa.PrivateKey jwks []jwks openIDConfiguration openIDConfiguration } type jwks struct { KeyType string `json:"kty"` Algorithm string `json:"alg"` Use string `json:"use"` N string `json:"n"` E int `json:"e"` } type openIDConfiguration struct { Issuer string `json:"issuer"` JwksURI string `json:"jwks_uri"` SubjecTypesSupported []string `json:"subject_types_supported"` ResponseTypesSupported []string `json:"response_types_supported"` ClaimsSupported []string `json:"claims_supported"` IDTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"` ScopesSupported []string `json:"scopes_supported"` } func OIDCRoutes(prefix string) *web.Route { m := web.NewRoute() prefix = strings.TrimPrefix(prefix, "/") // TODO: generate this once and store it across restarts. In the database I assume? caPrivateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096) // _, caPrivateKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) if err != nil { panic(err) } r := oidcRoutes{ ca: caPrivateKey, jwks: []jwks{ // { KeyType: "RSA", Algorithm: "RS256", Use: "sig", N: caPrivateKey.PublicKey.N.String(), E: caPrivateKey.PublicKey.E, // Github: AQAB }, }, openIDConfiguration: openIDConfiguration{ Issuer: setting.AppURL + setting.AppSubURL + prefix, // TODO: how do i check the public domain? JwksURI: setting.AppURL + setting.AppSubURL + prefix + "/.well-known/jwks", // TODO: how do i check the public domain? SubjecTypesSupported: []string{"public", "pairwise"}, ResponseTypesSupported: []string{"id_token"}, ClaimsSupported: []string{ "sub", "aud", "exp", "iat", "iss", "jti", "nbf", "ref", "sha", "repository", "repository_id", "repository_owner", "repository_owner_id", "enterprise", "enterprise_id", "run_id", "run_number", "run_attempt", "actor", "actor_id", "workflow", "workflow_ref", "workflow_sha", "head_ref", "base_ref", "event_name", "ref_type", "ref_protected", "environment", "environment_node_id", "job_workflow_ref", "job_workflow_sha", "repository_visibility", "runner_environment", "issuer_scope"}, IDTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported: []string{"RS256"}, ScopesSupported: []string{"openid"}, }, } m.Get("", ArtifactContexter(), r.getToken) m.Get("/.well-known/jwks", r.getJWKS) m.Get("/.well-known/openid-configuration", r.getOpenIDConfiguration) return m } // sample JWT github gave me: // // { // "jti": "18b3eacd-6330-47e2-a113-604effd4cf91", // "sub": "repo:thefinn93/actions-test:ref:refs/heads/main", // "aud": "CUSTOM_AUDIENCE", // "ref": "refs/heads/main", // "sha": "5d92aa8ec38679dbd7b90eee4ea8dfa342e2c6e3", // "repository": "thefinn93/actions-test", // "repository_owner": "thefinn93", // "repository_owner_id": "692970", // "run_id": "8414792498", // "run_number": "2", // "run_attempt": "1", // "repository_visibility": "public", // "repository_id": "777026467", // "actor_id": "692970", // "actor": "thefinn93", // "workflow": ".github/workflows/test.yaml", // "head_ref": "", // "base_ref": "", // "event_name": "push", // "ref_protected": "false", // "ref_type": "branch", // "workflow_ref": "thefinn93/actions-test/.github/workflows/test.yaml@refs/heads/main", // "workflow_sha": "5d92aa8ec38679dbd7b90eee4ea8dfa342e2c6e3", // "job_workflow_ref": "thefinn93/actions-test/.github/workflows/test.yaml@refs/heads/main", // "job_workflow_sha": "5d92aa8ec38679dbd7b90eee4ea8dfa342e2c6e3", // "runner_environment": "github-hosted", // "iss": "", // "nbf": 1711337835, // "exp": 1711338735, // "iat": 1711338435 // } func (o oidcRoutes) getToken(ctx *ArtifactContext) { task := ctx.ActionTask if err := task.Job.LoadRun(ctx); err != nil { log.Error("Error loading run: %v", err) ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error loading run") return } if err := task.Job.Run.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil { log.Error("Error loading attributes: %v", err) ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error loading attributes") return } // there's probably better ways get some of these values repo := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", task.Job.Run.Repo.OwnerName, task.Job.Run.Repo.Name) repositoryVisibility := "public" if task.Job.Run.Repo.IsPrivate { // are there options other than public and private? repositoryVisibility = "private" } iat := time.Now() token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, jwt.MapClaims{ "jti": uuid.New().String(), "sub": fmt.Sprintf("repo:%s:ref:%s", repo, task.Job.Run.Ref), "aud": "", // TODO: Allow customizing this in the query param "ref": task.Job.Run.Ref, "sha": task.Job.Run.CommitSHA, "repository": repo, "repository_owner": task.Job.Run.Repo.OwnerName, "repository_owner_id": task.Job.Run.Repo.OwnerID, "run_id": task.Job.RunID, "run_number": 0, // TODO: how do i check this? "run_attempt": 0, // TODO: how do i check this? "repository_visibility": repositoryVisibility, "repository_id": task.Job.Run.Repo.ID, "actor_id": task.Job.Run.TriggerUserID, "actor": task.Job.Run.TriggerUser.Name, "workflow": fmt.Sprintf(".forgejo/workflow/%s", task.Job.Run.WorkflowID), // TODO: remove hard-coded prefix, fetch it from wherever that data is stored "head_ref": "", // this is empty in my GH test. Maybe we should take it out here? "base_ref": "", // this is empty in my GH test. Maybe we should take it out here? "event_name": task.Job.Run.TriggerEvent, "ref_protected": false, // TODO: how do i check this? "ref_type": "branch", // TODO: how do i check this? "workflow_ref": fmt.Sprintf("%s/.forgejo/workflow/%s@%s", repo, task.Job.Run.WorkflowID, task.Job.Run.Ref), "workflow_sha": "", // TODO: is this just a hash of the yaml? if so that's easy enough to calculate "job_workflow_ref": fmt.Sprintf("%s/.forgejo/workflow/%s@%s", repo, task.Job.Run.WorkflowID, task.Job.Run.Ref), "job_workflow_sha": "", // TODO: is this just a hash of the yaml? if so that's easy enough to calculate "runner_environment": "self-hosted", // not sure what this should be set to, github will have either "github-hosted" or "self-hosted" "iss": setting.AppURL + "/api/actions_token", // TODO: how do i check the public domain? "nbf": jwt.NewNumericDate(iat), "exp": jwt.NewNumericDate(iat.Add(time.Minute * 15)), "iat": jwt.NewNumericDate(iat), }) signedJWT, err := token.SignedString( if err != nil { log.Error("Error signing JWT: %v", err) ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error signing JWT") return } ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{ "count": 0, // TODO: unclear what this is, github gave me a value of 1857 "value": signedJWT, }) } func (o oidcRoutes) getJWKS(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") err := json.NewEncoder(resp).Encode(o.jwks) if err != nil { log.Error("error encoding jwks response: ", err) http.Error(resp, "error encoding jwks response", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } func (o oidcRoutes) getOpenIDConfiguration(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") err := json.NewEncoder(resp).Encode(o.openIDConfiguration) if err != nil { log.Error("error encoding jwks response: ", err) http.Error(resp, "error encoding jwks response", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } }