"doc":"A generic type that is used when the group version is not known"
"doc":"The phone number of the account to use",
"doc":"New profile name. Set to empty string for no profile name",
"example":"\"signald user\""
"doc":"Path to new profile avatar file, if the avatar should be updated",
"doc":"The signal account to use",
"doc":"The partial address, missing fields"
"doc":"Resolve a partial JsonAddress with only a number or UUID to one with both. Anywhere that signald accepts a JsonAddress will except a partial, this is a convenience function for client authors, mostly because signald doesn't resolve all the partials it returns"
"doc":"An e164 phone number, starting with +. Currently the only available user-facing Signal identifier.",
"doc":"A UUID, the unique identifier for a particular Signal account."
"doc":"The account to interact with",
"doc":"The address that sent the message being marked as read"
"doc":"List of messages to mark as read",
"doc":"the timestamp that the message was sent at, according to the sender's device. This is used to uniquely identify this message for things like reactions and quotes.",
"doc":"files attached to the incoming message"
"doc":"the text body of the incoming message.",
"doc":"if the incoming message was sent to a v1 group, information about that group will be here"
"doc":"is the incoming message was sent to a v2 group, basic identifying information about that group will be here. For full information, use list_groups"
"doc":"the expiry timer on the incoming message. Clients should delete records of the message within this number of seconds"
"doc":"if the incoming message is a quote or reply to another message, this will contain information about that message"
"doc":"if the incoming message has a shared contact, the contact's information will be here"
"doc":"if the incoming message has a link preview, information about that preview will be here"
"doc":"if the incoming message is a sticker, information about the sicker will be here"
"doc":"indicates the message is a view once message. View once messages typically include no body and a single image attachment. Official Signal clients will prevent the user from saving the image, and once the user has viewed the image once they will destroy the image."
"doc":"if the message adds or removes a reaction to another message, this will indicate what change is being made"
"doc":"if the inbound message is deleting a previously sent message, indicates which message should be deleted"
"doc":"list of mentions in the message"
"doc":"the client timestamp of the message being quoted",
"doc":"the author of the message being quoted"
"doc":"the body of the message being quoted",
"example":"\"hey  what's up?\""
"doc":"list of files attached to the quoted message"
"doc":"list of mentions in the quoted message"
"doc":"A quote is a reply to a previous message. ID is the sent time of the message being replied to"
"doc":"The number of characters in that the mention starts at. Note that due to a quirk of how signald encodes JSON, if this value is 0 (for example if the first character in the message is the mention) the field won't show up.",
"doc":"The length of the mention represented in the message. Seems to always be 1 but included here in case that changes.",
"doc":"the emoji to react with",
"doc":"set to true to remove the reaction. requires emoji be set to previously reacted emoji"
"doc":"the author of the message being reacted to"
"doc":"the client timestamp of the message being reacted to",
"doc":"The account to interact with",
"doc":"list all linked devices on a Signal account",
"doc":"The account to interact with",
"doc":"the ID of the device to unlink",
"doc":"Remove a linked device from the Signal account. Only allowed when the local device id is 1"
"doc":"A generic type that is used when the group version is not known"
"doc":"react to a previous message"
"doc":"Accept a v2 group invitation. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups."
"doc":"approve a request to join a group"
"doc":"Query the server for the latest state of a known group"
"doc":"list all linked devices on a Signal account"
"doc":"Join a group using the a signal.group URL. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups."
"doc":"Remove a linked device from the Signal account. Only allowed when the local device id is 1"
"doc":"modify a group"
"doc":"Resolve a partial JsonAddress with only a number or UUID to one with both. Anywhere that signald accepts a JsonAddress will except a partial, this is a convenience function for client authors, mostly because signald doesn't resolve all the partials it returns"
"doc":"list all linked devices on a Signal account",
"doc":"Remove a linked device from the Signal account. Only allowed when the local device id is 1"
"doc":"Join a group using the a signal.group URL. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups.",
"doc":"modify a group. only v2 groups for now",
"doc":"Accept a v2 group invitation. Note that you must have a profile name set to join groups.",
"doc":"approve a request to join a group",
"doc":"Query the server for the latest state of a known group",